Who Leads the Leader?

Churchill, Jobs, Gandhi, Lincoln, Patton. All names that most of us are familiar with, and many think of them as great leaders in history. But they all have one other thing in common: they gave credit to a leader they considered greater than themselves. People often...
Innovation in an “Old” Industry

Innovation in an “Old” Industry

Today I saw a product proudly displayed in the center of a busy shop. I saw people picking it up, oohing and aahing over it, and some even putting it in their baskets. When I picked up on of the items, I was very confused to see that is was mass-printed hardcover...
Innovation in Adversity

Innovation in Adversity

Today Apple proudly announced that it had paid out $10 billion since 2008 to app developers, and half of that had been paid out in the last year alone. It makes me think of the “crisis” the company underwent when the beloved Steve Jobs passed away and most...
Collective Innovation: Get Others to Come With You

Collective Innovation: Get Others to Come With You

As part of a large or small organisation, you may have found that it can be difficult to get everyone on the same page. Some people have different ideas, others are working with different definitions, and still others have different skill sets. Getting everyone to...
Build Innovation by Doing These 5 Things Every Day

Build Innovation by Doing These 5 Things Every Day

All of our talk here at InnoFuture about innovation principles is great, but every once in a while our readers want something concrete that they can immediately apply for results. The truth is, cultivating sustainable innovation and growth can be immediate, but it may...